Get Active & Avoid Injuries in the New Year
Thinking about going all in with your exercise routine? In this episode of the Silver Divorce Podcast, Dr. Jason Robertson, non-operative orthopaedic specialist at Center for Sports Medicine & Orthopaedics, discusses how to go “all in” without being “done in.” It is very common for people who are in divorce to want to obtain a revenge bod. Maybe they are jumping into exercise as a coping mechanism or joining a pickleball group to meet new people. Listen in as Dr. Robertson shares tips on the best way to begin getting active and avoid common injuries.
Read This Before You Start an Intense Exercise Program
If you’ve previously lived a sedentary lifestyle or don’t have much experience with exercise, Dr. Robertson recommends undergoing a functional movement screening to determine what muscle groups or joints are at risk for injuries. That screening can give you a tailored program to strengthen the areas that may be subject to injuries. A functional movement screen is generally available at physical therapists’ offices.
While you may want to dive into an aggressive exercise program to achieve that ideal body, Dr. Robertson also suggests you increase activity no more than 10 percent per week and incorporating appropriate rest days. Going aggressive too soon will lead to injuries. If you are injured, he shares guidelines for how soon to seek help.
Click here to listen to the full conversation on Spotify or Apple Podcasts.
To schedule an appointment with Dr. Robertson or to schedule a functional movement screening at one of CSMO’s seven therapy locations, call (423) 624-2969.