Move Freely Again with Motion Preservation Spine Surgery Solutions

Motion preservation in spine surgery refers to surgeries and procedures that aim to maintain normal range of motion in the neck and back. It’s attempting to keep the natural movement of the spine instead of making it stiff. Traditional spine surgeries often involve fusion procedures, where two or more vertebrae are fused together to stabilize the spine and alleviate pain. While fusion can be effective in certain cases and may be the recommended course of treatment, it may also limit the natural movement of the spine in the areas that are fused together.

Motion preservation includes using artificial discs, dynamic stabilization devices, and other methods that address spinal issues while allowing the spine to move more naturally. These techniques are designed to maintain flexibility and potentially reduce the risk of certain complications, while allowing the spine to move like it normally would. The back, neck and spine surgeons at CSMO are highly trained in both approaches, giving you the greatest number of options to address any type of spinal pain.

If you’re considering motion preservation or any surgical treatment for neck, back or spine pain, it’s important to discuss your options with a qualified spine surgeon. These are a few of the partners CSMO spine surgeons rely on in performing minimally invasive spine procedures.

We offer the latest minimally invasive treatment technologies and will work with you to understand your goals and determine which approach is best for you.

Types of Motion Preservation Procedures

Motion preservation surgeries focus on preserving the mobility of the spine by avoiding or minimizing fusion. There are various techniques employed in motion preservation spine surgery:

Artificial Disc Replacement (ADR): In ADR, a degenerated or damaged intervertebral disc is removed and replaced with an artificial disc. This procedure aims to maintain the natural movement of the spine in the treated segment.

Facet Replacement: Like ADR, facet replacement involves replacing the worn-out facet joints with artificial joints to preserve the natural motion of the spine.

Laminoplasty: In cases where spinal stenosis is present, laminoplasty may be performed to create more space for the spinal cord without fusing the vertebrae, thus preserving motion. Think of it like having taller ceilings on a train car where the train still moves normally but there is just more room inside for passengers and cargo.

Motion preservation surgery is designed to address spinal issues while minimizing the impact on the patient’s natural range of motion, which can contribute to improved postoperative function and potentially reduce the risk of adjacent segment degeneration.

Thorough Evaluation by a Spine Specialist

In layman’s terms, these surgeries help patients have a better and easier recovery and limit further deterioration of the spine. Motion preservation surgery is an effective option for certain patients, but depends on various factors, including your specific back, neck or spinal condition, your individual health history, and the surgeon’s recommendations. The decision for motion preservation surgery should only be made after a comprehensive evaluation by a spine specialist. Each patient is carefully evaluated to determine the most appropriate surgical approach. Your surgeon will discuss all the available options and make recommendations based on your individual needs and goals for recovery.

CSMO Provides Exceptional Care

CSMO offers unsurpassed care at the area’s only free-standing orthopaedic specialized same-day surgery center with home recovery. We have the tools, the highly trained staff, and the medical expertise to successfully evaluate your condition. From there, we pursue the best path to a smooth recovery that provides lasting relief from spinal joint pain. Call today to schedule an appointment with one of CSMO’s spine surgeons or visit our online scheduling page for further options.