Billy Wilson on ‘3 Plus You’ – Athletic Trainers

Thank you, Billy Wilson, certified athletic trainer at Center for Sports Medicine & Orthopaedics, for sharing the value and support athletic trainers provide to our athletes, coaches and families on a recent episode of 3 Plus You! In his interview, Billy shed light on the crucial role of certified athletic trainers in both injury prevention and care for student athletes. He emphasized the comprehensive work they do to keep athletes and active individuals safe, whether on the field or in their everyday lives.

Billy also discussed CSMO’s Saturday Sports Clinics, which will be held at our Chattanooga and Cleveland offices from August 24 to November 9. These clinics provide a valuable resource for athletes needing immediate care for sports-related injuries. The Saturday Sports Clinics are a great opportunity for the community to access expert care from our skilled team, including our highly trained sports medicine physicians and other specialists.

Stay tuned for more insights from Billy’s interview, and don’t miss the chance to learn how certified athletic trainers like him make a difference in the health and safety of our community.

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